Celebrating Easter with Obedience

How is God calling us to celebrate Jesus' resurrection by our obedience?

Who Are We Listening To?

In the third video of the Wise Words series, James and Proverbs teach us about the source of wise speech and our responsibility in acquiring it.

An Ongoing Celebration

Perhaps we can celebrate the resurrection by finding ways to lay down our lives for others like He did.

They Aren’t All Bad

Wise words may be tricky sometimes, but they can also build our communities.

The Joy Continues!

How are you continuing to celebrate Jesus' resurrection?

Are We Eating Each Other Alive?

Are we bearing God's name well in the way that we speak to and about one another?

Easter Isn’t Over!

What if we celebrated Jesus' resurrection for more than a single day?

Resurrection Sunday – He Is Risen!

Today we celebrate that "evil, death and destruction are not the final word on each of us or on our lives or on our world, in spite of evidence to the contrary."